Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quick Health Update

Every Monday my nurse comes out to our house to take some blood, and to change the dressing on my arm where my pick line is. She mentioned to me that my white blood count is dropping with is good, meaning that the antibiotics are working and fighting the staph infection, however, I did find out that I will always have the staph infection, but at least it's making it go down at the moment.

Yesterday afternoon I went for my weekly CAT scan, and then went to my Neurologist Doctor this morning and he informed me that the spot in my brain is now slowly going down. It is now smaller than it was last week, not by a huge amount, but still has shrunk a little bit.

I firmly believe that the only reason I'm where I'm at is because of my God. He is bigger than all of this, and each report we get we will praise Him for the out come, all glory belongs to Him.

Thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray for me and for my family as we are on this journey to healing.


Stacey said...

Daniel, hang in there! I know our church family has been lifting you up in prayer since we found out. You and your girls are very special to all of us and we can't help but worry about you all. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you all out!

I love the new pictures on the side!

Unknown said...

It is always great to watch God work in the lives of his people. Let me know if I can do anything to help you or your family. Your recovery is always in my prayers.

Steve said...

dan! i'm so glad you're recovering! i've been praying for you and the fam! God is so good indeed