Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Tonight I went to see Rob Bell, he was in town on his speaking tour and as expected, I walked away saying "wow". One thing that I love about listening to Rob is that he will talk about a story in the Bible, but he will tell that story from a different perspective, and it doesn't change the message of the story, just causes you to think about from a different angle.

Tonight I walked away with several different things I just wanted to list the few that hit me the hardest:
1. through out time, man kind has always had gods that they choose to worship, we can never give enough to these gods, and we can never appease these gods. But still we try. I was reminded tonight that there are still gods today, the names have just changed. They are now called "Job", and "acceptance", "money", and more. With any of these gods and more of them too, we can never give enough/sacrifice enough or get enough, it will still leave us trying for more.
However, Christ changed that, he is the one that actually made the sacrifice for us, so instead of me having to do something to earn my way to him, he already made it possible to go to him...HE made it possible! I love hearing that....HE made it possible. I don't have to do a thing...but TRUST.
2. REPENTANCE is not something that you have to do to be changed, REPENTANCE is the celebration of what Christ has already done, if we have excepted and trusted it.

Over all I was really challenged to remember daily that my GOD is a loving GOD and I want to celebrate HIM each and every day, by how I live my life.

1 comment:

Overflow Blogger said...

Hey bro, thanks for the comments and the visit. I would like to e-mail you, but I can't find your e-mail address on Palm Valley's site. Mine is donnieajohnson at gmail dot com.