Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Let's clear this thing up....

So I've had a few people ask me about the whole "Postmodern Pastor" thing. And to tell you the truth I was a little surprised. But the "postmodern" terminology is many times put into a bad light. I'm really tired of reading things about "Postmodern" pastors that only teach fluff, or that they are the "new Christian liberal" whatever the heck that means, or that the postmodern movement is only about being culturally relevant. I will say this...should I worry about being culturally relevant? Well in order for me to be effective in reaching PEOPLE who do not know JESUS CHRIST, then yes, I need to be culturally relevant. And being relevant doesn't mean that I change the powerful life changing message of Jesus who said, "I am the WAY the TRUTH, and the LIFE, nobody can come to the Father except through Me."
What some miss out on about the postmodern movement or generation is that this is a generation that is really relationship driven. They crave and are driven by relationships, and as someone who is in that generation I have really found that when I share the life changing message of Jesus, and how He changed me personally, I found that almost every time I share my story that God uses it to draw people to Himself. I don't have any off the hook story about how I was a drug addict or anything like that. Simply Jesus changed me and I'll never be the same again. That's personal, and when we make things personal they will make an impact. That's what Jesus did, why shouldn't we do the same.
So bash on the "postmodern", but realize this, you are surrounded by them and instead of giving up on how to share Christ with them, maybe try a different tactic next time....try LIVING IT OUT, and make it personal, not preachy.


Michael Gray said...

If only you would embrace the Postmodern Paragraph movement. A double enter does wonders.

Much Love,

The Communications Department

Derrick Logan said...

That'll preach!

Paul Lewis said...

Great stuff Daniel! From one of the boomer generation I pray that your generation is much more effective than mine at reaching the lost!

Stacey said...

Amen! I totally agree with what you're saying, Daniel!