Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Divine Appointment...what the heck does that mean..

I hate that phrase. Divine appointment, I think it makes us Christians sound so stupid because we make up our own words. Words that really have no meaning except to Christians and if you are not a Christian they sound stupid, and if you are a new Christian you are made to feel like you have to understand the terms or you don't somehow fit in or are not spiritual enough.
Tonight I met with a young guy at my favorite place, Starbucks. Until today I'd only spoken to "J" once, never even met him. In fact he he doesn't even go to our church which made meeting him a little more interesting to me. Sometimes with ministry you can get so bogged down by doing "stuff" that you totally miss out on what the Lord may really want you to do. And that could have been the case here. I had so much "stuff" I could have been doing, and one thing I have learned while being in ministry is that there is always "Stuff" to do. So I put the "stuff" the every day trying to get ahead paper work, calls, contacting, planning for events, meetings, and more, I put that to the side so that I could meet with J tonight.
As I was sitting Starbucks, reading a great book by a guy that I would say has had the BIGGEST impact in my life besides my dad, and my youth pastor and that would be Andy Stanley. I was reading his book, " Visionering", (great book by the way)when J walked in. He immediately approached me and introduced himself and then proceeded to order his coffee, as he did I prepared myself for whatever I was about to hear, all I knew was that he was just finished with a nasty divorce and now a battle over the children was going on, and I was pretty sure that he wasn't a follower of Christ. So I prayed, just asking the Lord to use me in whatever way He would choose.
"J" sits down and proceeds to tell me what has been going on in his life. As he did I thought to myself, "there is no way that us meeting at Starbucks was an accident". "J" was hurting, and my heart ached for what he was having to carry all on his own. I shared with him that Jesus said his yoke was light and that he wants to carry our burdens and that we were not designed to carry things on our own. I asked if I could share what Christ had done in my life and he said he'd love to hear it. So I shared how Christ made a difference in my life, and that he could change "J's" life too if he would only give his life to Christ.
Then the moment came that I asked him if he would like to give his life to Christ and he looked at me and said he had tried everything but Jesus and that he wanted to have Him. At that moment, my heart was so taken back, I wanted to make sure that he wasn't feeling pressured so I said we don't have to do this right now, and he said he wanted to. At that moment, we prayed, right there in Starbucks "J" became a follower of Christ!
We talked for a little while and after that we headed our ways, but committing to getting together on Wednesday nights.
As I got in my car I could not get that thought out of my head....divine appointment. what the heck does that even mean? Appointment meaning a meeting set for a specific time or place, and Divine meaning proceeding from God. So as I thought about it, a divine appointment is a meeting that God wanted to happen, He put it on His calendar.
I was so thankful to be apart of what God was doing. I hope that I'm always available for those God appointments and that I never get too busy with the "stuff" of ministry that I miss out on what the Lord has on His calendar.


Derrick Logan said...

Unbelievable bro. God is amazing. Thank you for being so open to what God is doing in your world.

Overflow Blogger said...

Awesome post, Daniel!

Beth Greer said...

Thank you so much for your blog on devine appointments. My mother is dying of cancer and we are seeing God give her and us some incredible divine appointments. For His glory, His timing and from His calender. He is a great God is He not?