Sunday, March 2, 2008

Trip To Haiti Day 3

Woke up this morning at 5:00am, after finally falling asleep at about 2:45am! Nothing like a little nap to get you through the day. Mark and I headed down to meet Joaquin for breakfast, we had some great Haitian coffee, and some scrambled eggs. Then we headed out on our journey to Value, which is only about 50 miles away however because of the traffic, bad roads and I mean bad roads, and the very steep mountain where Value is located, it takes about 2.5 hours to drive there.

After another nap, a quick stop to water the vegitation, we wher back on the road and actually made a quick stop at the church that helped launch Value Baptist Church. We stopped in too see how they are and was a nice quick visit.

As we headed up the mountain to Value, I was reminded about the how much these people want to be at church, they have such a hunger for the Lord and for His word that they will literally travel for miles on FOOT, just to be there. Today there was a young couple that came from an area near Port Au Prince, they walked over 40 miles! Now that is huger!

As we climbed the mountain, we could see the church on the mountain side, and immediatly to my mind came "like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden" we are to shine our light for all to see! As we pulled up to the church, my heart was filled with joy, and as we headed into the church , I was in awe of what the Lord was doing. There in one room there was 3 sunday school classes going, adults, youth, and children. There was about 80 adults and youth, and 50 children! My heart was so over whelmed. As the service started(service was over 3 hours long) we sang songs, and more songs, and more songs.

I can't tell you enough how my heart was challenged. I can't express you enough how my life will never be the same. I can't thank you enough for the countless lives that will be forever impacted in Value, Haiti because YOU Palm Valley Church, chose to answer the call that the Lord had laid before you. So thank you!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Trip To Haiti Day 2

I can't express how excited I am to be here in Haiti with my good friend Mark Gumm to visit Value Baptist Church, and to see it's finished building that our church (Palm Valley Church) was able to partner with to build.

Yesterday was a very long day as Mark and I left Phoenix at 12:00am headed to NY, then headed to Haiti and arrived at 1:30pm. We where met by Joaquin Vargas(a very good friend, who is also our contact for Haiti) and also by Guillo Herado(also a friend, and Pastor in Haiti), and headed to straight to the ministry center that Guillo oversees. It is at this center that they have started a school for those who are desiring to be in full time vocational ministry. This is their first year being open and they have 15 students. We had a chance to meet with a few of them and to encourage them. I loved watching these guys just hang on every word that was being said, they are so hungry to learn!
After that we headed to our hotel, and had dinner, then we called it a night at 7:00pm Haiti time, which was 5:00pm Phoenix time, and I didn't wake up until 7:00am. 12 hours of sleep was AWESOME! I really did not realize how tired I was until I found myself literaly falling asleep during a conversation at dinner, and I knew I had to get some good sleep and I did!
This morning after about 12 cups of Hatian coffee(very good by the way!) we headed out to see Haiti and to make a few visits at a few churches and to see the different parts of Haiti. I was so encouraged to see how it has changed even in the 5 months it has been since I was here last. It was a fun day except when we met with a couple who have been missionaries in Haiti for several years and are stuck in a different mind set, I was so frustrated that I left before the conversation was over. Not even going to start on that one!
We headed to dinner and at dinner I saw a friend that I made last time I was here, his name is Franklin. He's a cool guy, 29 years old, and graduating in May, and speaks very good english. Right now Franklin is a Childrens Pastor, and works with 8 different churches, that impact over 800 children a week! This guy loves the Lord and has a passion and vision to win children to Christ! I love it!! I was so challenged to also hear of dreams and needs of the mission in Haiti and I'm excited to see what God is going as we continue to partner with Him here in Haiti!
Tomorrow we head to Value to see the church building, and I found out last night....I'll be teaching as well. Pray for me.